Yuyang Tu


My name is Yuyang Tu. I am currently a PhD candidate at the University of Hamburg.

My research is about robotics and AI. This is a website to host my research project.

You can reach me by the email tu@informatik.uni-hamburg.de

Current Research

ToolEENet: Tool Affordance 6D Pose Estimation

Keywords: 6D Pose Estimation, Multi-fingered Robotic Hand, Tool Use.
★ Oral Presentation (top 12%), IROS2024 ★
Webpage  •   PDF  •   Video

PoseFusion: Robust Object-in-Hand Pose Estimation with SelectLSTM

Keywords: 6D Pose Estimation, Multi-fingered Robotic Hand, Tactile sensing.
★ Oral Presentation, IROS2023 ★
Webpage  •   PDF  •   Video

Learning Friction Model for Magnet-actuated Tethered Capsule Robot

Keywords: tethered capsule robot, magnetic actuation, friction model.
★ Oral Presentation, ICRA2022 ★
Webpage  •   PDF  •   Video

Stay tuned for more updates!